Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SECA 8: Shared Health Clinical Xchange Salient Features

Shared Health’s EHR product named Clinical Xchange with Clinical Decision Support has many salient features:

1) Interoperability Services connect stakeholders to Shared Health network using a standards-based approach. Standards include HL7, ANSI X12, NCPDP Script and XML feeds. It supports system integration capabilities including SAML federation, Single Sign On, web services and APIs. When a contributor is not able to use the standards, Shared Health will analyze the format for conversion. The standard secure protocols supported include SSL, SSH, SMIME, and SFTP. Directly supported formats include the widely recognized industry standards including HL7, NCPDP, and CCD. However, Shared Health is able to parse and translate other message formats into one of the supported formats without impacting the core system.

2) Shared Health’s EMPI (Enterprise Master Patient Index) solution provides customers with a comprehensive Master Data Management platform that can adapt easily to changing and expanding business requirements. This software overcomes duplicate and fragmented records, multiple identifications, transpositions, misspellings, nicknames, aliases, address inconsistencies, and identity misrepresentations to instantly find and accurately link all the records about a person across disparate systems and data sources.

3) Terminology Mediation service ensures that valid codified values for all required elements of each transaction are present within each message through appropriate data normalization. The Normalization Service is responsible for transforming data from multiple formats into a common format that is electronically consumable. Semantic interoperability or terminology mediation includes vocabulary normalization such as converting from a proprietary lab vocabulary to Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) or from private allergy codes to Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED).

4) Clinical Intelligence Engine uses the clinical data repository information to process the data and provide actionable information to the physician at the point of care. Clinical decision support tools include patient Problem Lists and Care Opportunities to identify and intervene in patient health issues. Also included are advanced analytic tools such as Clinical Insight and Condition Tracker that not only help manage chronic conditions but also identify key indicators to longitudinally view and assess patient progress over time. These Clinical Decision Support tools put the information the clinician needs at their fingertips, at the point of care, allowing them to take control of chronic disease management for their patients.

Shared Health has a proven ROI. Working with an independent actuarial firm, Shared Health released a report detailing a series of case studies that demonstrated improved compliance with Evidence Based Medicine, an increase in child wellness exams, reduced emergency room admissions and services, and lower average prescription costs when clinicians used our system. Shared Health validated those findings in 2009 by conducting an internal study on clinicians who used Clinical Xchange. This study yielded the following results:

· Avoidable emergency room visits decreased by 12%

· Colon cancer screenings increased by 15%

· Flu vaccination rates increased by 31%

· Pneumonia vaccination rates for patients over 65 years of age increased by 35%

· 17% diminution in episode of care costs

Rapid deployment, low cost of entry and a tangible Return on Investment (ROI) for stakeholders will accelerate the adoption of the Shared Health solution.

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