There are approximately 414 EHR products in market today. The choice amongst EHR solutions varies just as greatly as the vendors offering them. The field includes dedicated players such as Cerner, McKesson, multi-product specialists like GE, as well as startups with innovative offerings.
Top Vendors in Health IT:
1) Cerner Corporation (Cerner) is a supplier of healthcare information technology (HIT) solutions, healthcare devices and related services. These solutions are licensed by approximately 9,000 facilities globally. The Company operates in two segments: domestic and global. The domestic segment includes revenue contributions and expenditures associated with business activity in the United States. The global segment includes revenue contributions and expenditures linked to business activity in Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, the People’s Republic of China, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. The Company designs and develops software solutions on the unified Cerner Millennium architecture, a person-centric computing framework, which combines clinical, financial and management information systems.
The Company offers a longitudinal, person-centric EHR, which gives clinicians electronic access to the right information at the right time and place to achieve optimal health outcomes. Its Cerner ITWorks is a suite of services, which creates an alignment between Cerner and its clients. Its Cerner RevWorks includes solutions and services to help healthcare organizations improve their revenue cycle functions. It offers clinic, pharmacy and wellness services directly to employers. The Company has created the uCern platform, a collaboration and social networking platform, which gives clients a place where they can collaborate with peers or Cerner associates about topics ranging from healthcare reform to solution enhancements to project status updates. Approximately 95% of its core Cerner Millennium clients engage on this platform. Its uDevelop solution is a collaborative ecosystem that supports audience of engineers, including both its associates and external developers, and the uCern Store, which offers clients quick access to innovations developed by Cerner, as well as outside organizations and individuals.
2) Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., formerly Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions, Inc. (Allscripts), is a provider of clinical software, services, information and connectivity solutions that are used by physicians and other healthcare providers to improve the quality of healthcare. It provides various software applications and services, including electronic health records (EHR), practice management, revenue cycle management, clearinghouse services, electronic prescribing, emergency department information system (EDIS), hospital care management and discharge management solutions, document imaging solutions, referral management and a variety of other solutions for home care and other post-acute facilities. Allscripts operates in two segments: clinical solutions and health solutions.
Clinical Solutions: The Company’s clinical solutions segment includes both its Enterprise business for large physician practices and Integrated Delivery Networks, and its Professional business for smaller or independent physician practices, providing such practices with clinical and practice management software solutions and related services. Its EHR solutions are designed to enhance physician productivity using tablet PCs, wireless handheld devices or desktop workstations for the purpose of automating the most common physician activities, including prescribing, dictating, ordering lab tests and viewing results, documenting clinical encounters and capturing charges, among others. Its practice management solutions combine scheduling and revenue cycle management tools in a single package with functionality including rules-based appointment scheduling, multi-resource and recurring appointment features, referral and eligibility indicators, and appointment and claims management. Its electronic prescribing solutions include a Web-based stand-alone solution offered free-of-charge to any licensed prescriber, and solutions that are integrated into each of its EHRs. Its Web-based suite of revenue cycle management and clearinghouse services solutions, available on a stand-alone basis or integrated into its practice management solutions address every step in the reimbursement cycle for healthcare organizations, clearinghouses and payers.
Health System Solutions: Allscripts health system solutions segment provides offerings for hospitals that are seeking Emergency Department Information System (EDIS) and care management solutions, as well as post-acute facilities, such as home health providers, hospices and skilled nursing facilities. Allscripts ED is an EDIS that electronically streamlines processes for large hospital Emergency Departments, including tracking, triage, nurse and physician charting, disposition and reporting. EmSTAT, a EDIS product, offers similar functionality for streamlining the Emergency Department care process in small hospitals.
3) ProxyMed, Inc., doing business as MedAvant Healthcare Solutions, incorporated in 1989, is an information technology (IT) company that facilitates the exchange of healthcare information so that payers, providers and patients benefit equally from the sharing of health data. The Company also enables the electronic transmission of laboratory results. The Company processed electronic prescription orders until it sold its pharmacy business in April 2007. It operates in one business segment: Transaction Services.
Transaction Services and Products: The Company’s Transaction Services segment consists of its claims processing business, and preferred provider organization and prescription services, both of which it has divested. ProxyMed serves the provider and payer communities with products and services that simplify the exchange of healthcare information. Customers use the Company's services to process healthcare transactions, including claims, ERA, eligibility, claims status, referral authorization and encounters. The Company's processing capacity is supplemented by myProxyMed, a real-time Web portal, powered by the Phoenix platform. It offers both standard and premium services and other features, such as verifying a patient’s insurance, enrolling with payers, tracking a claim’s progress with the payer and retrieving reports from payers. The Company receives a transaction fee from the payers it has implemented for workers compensation. Through its partners, Bloodhound and The Sentinel Group, the Company provides a service to insurance companies that certify that a claim is clean before it enters the insurance company’s system to be adjudicated.
Summary: Nearly every vendor considered MU certification a low hurdle to surpass. Many of these vendors had achieved certification within a few months of guidelines being published. There are plenty of EHR scorecards and comparison tools, just not many scores. The vendors’ sites do a poor job of differentiating themselves from their competitors. Vendors use superlatives and qualifiers in an attempt to differentiate themselves. Their goal was to meet criteria requirements as quickly as possible to boost their marketing efforts. This translated into certification achievement without delicately mapping criteria to physician needs and workflows. Users are usually lost in the many sub-menus that they will have to navigate in order to meeting many meaningful use criteria, the upgrade requirements. Also there are many hours of costly training and support that providers will need to undergo to be prepared to use the certified version of the EHR. One key feature that is lacking is a simple, intuitive means by which to track and understand providers’ progress in achieving Meaningful Use. Most vendors responded to this question in one of three ways: they didn’t know how this information would be tracked, providers could print a report, or they had created a dashboard. Providers would need significant training to use the certified version of their product and that live support is not free or immediately available. There are a few sites that offer user assessments across a range of functions, but those have at most three opinions—not enough to consider statically significant.
No vendor highlights major clinical or business problems that their solution solves that another vendor does not solve. Instead, they state they do something better, easier, more flexibly—none of which can be measured by prospective clients. One vendor may have a better medical dictionary than another, yet that same vendor will lack rigor in decision support. No single vendor seems to have their customers doing back flips in their testimonials. Some score high in their ability to deliver a complete inpatient solution and fail in their ability to integrate with other vendors. Others hurt themselves during the implementation, user support, response time, and the amount of navigation required to input data.